Since starting this feature back in August, I have had the pleasure of discovering and/or reviewing 15 blogs. I was expecting to have to go through one of my biggest difficulties when reviewing books or music: having to find something nice to say about something that really didn’t impress me. Thankfully this wasn’t the case, not even once. I can even say that because I enjoyed these blogs so much, I ended up spending a lot more time on each review than I had initially planned to, since I was, erm, “researching”.
Anyhow! To ring in 2016, I thought to do a little round-up of all these reviews, so that anyone who has made the resolution to read more blogs this year will have an easy time scratching that off their list. So here is the third and last set five out of fifteen blogs reviewed here on Sahar’s Blog, in no particular order.
Blog Review: Melody Sim
Blogging for a little under a year and a half doesn’t keep Melody from writing on just about anything. From travel logs to product reviews, and including deep, mindful posts, Melody writes about it all. She explains how “[she] love[s] writing – every word that is written on [her] blog is written out of [her] passion for writing.” No doubt Melody is someone who feels deeply, as her favorite post, chronicling her love story with her boyfriend, reflects. Things sometimes take on a journal feel, but not in a TMI kind of way thankfully. And with the number of pictures available, it is easy to visualise what Melody is talking about. There are a few poems and short stories also available on her blog, and her Instagram account is also worth checking out, reflecting the sweet girl next door she seems to be.
Blog Review: The College Girl Daily
… Featuring a clean and clear black, grey and white design, with a quick loading time and ease of browsing that is much appreciated, post categories include fashion, school, life, career, health (although this seems to be an as yet unexplored one!), and design. Hannah-Beth has also starting tying together some of her various passions. For example, the bookworm and the fashionista in her are teaming up for a new series of posts on book inspired outfits; whatever she is reading, Annabeth will create a full outfit for, the first one in this series being based on Donna Tartt’s The Secret History. She has recently featured quite a few guest posts, opening the way to discovering new blogs, which is always a good thing (except maybe when you have to sleep/study/work and are not done with your reading…)
Her other online presence is more of the same, be it on Pinterest, Instagram, or Twitter. A seemingly charming young lady has created a charming corner of the internet with a lot of potential for growth; take a look and enjoy the daily life of a Texas college girl.
Blog Review: Miss Millennia Magazine
…The magazine has six sections. The career section features interview and tips, recommendations and advice to help Millennials navigate the job market—which as we know isn’t that good to begin with. The relationship section covers all kinds of relationships, from platonic to romantic and everything in between. I particularly enjoyed the simplicity and directness of “Crushing conventions 101: 3 tips to break female stereotypes holding you back.”
… Health is also the mainstay of the magazine’s lifestyle section, while the uniqueness of our general is that of the Millennial Mindset section and the firsts we are all bound to face make up the Life’s First one. Fresh and filled with great advice that touch on the various aspects of a young woman’s life, I can see how Miss Millennia Magazine could become someone’s one-stop shop. Readers can also follow the magazine on Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook.
Blog Review: Emily and Dot
… Emily and Dot’s offerings are categorised into four sections. In the Inspiration section, Emily really shines with positivity, even in the posts where she admits things just might not be going 100% well. The Something Good feature, still nascent, seems to be an exercise in gratitude; the way it is written seems to encourage us to do the same. Gratitude does pour out of some of her posts (in a good way!) as with this list of things she is thankful for that Emily posted last year.
The same attitude is reflected in her posts about college life, which range from practical to future oriented. Emily also touches on some of the emotional experience college students go through. She displays the same range in her posts on fashion; the practical outfit and advice posts—either at home or abroad—live comfortably beside inspirations titles and optimistic views on life. All in all, Emily and Dot is a lovely little corner of the internet where practicality and optimism collide. Emily is also active on Pinterest and Instagram.
Blog Review: Class Meets Couture
The picture heavy Class Meets Couture by Cat Galletti—a blog that recently hit its one year anniversary—is a delight to the eyes both with regards to style as well as content. […] The fashion category features a collection of outfits of the day sorted by season: summer, autumn, winter, and spring. Some of the suggestions need to be taken with a grain of salt; for example, the winter shots are of outfits that wouldn’t make it through the Canadian winter. One particular recent gem is this beautiful outfit, filed under spring.
The lifestyle section includes the recently launched Currently Coveting feature, which is a dangerous place for your credit card to hang out in. From how to stay organised to how to decorate your apartment, the College Life section will want to make you up the ante a little while the Guides section will help you figure out just how to get things done. As for the travel section, well, it will make you either miss or want to visit the states and cities in the United States Cat has visited, or take a trip to Europe or South Africa.
Cat’s presence on other social media platforms are just as pleasant to visit, be it on Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram, or Facebook. Take a look… If you have the time to spare!
Header image courtesy of Death to Stock.