The X-files, The X-Files, TV, X-files

The X-Files Revival Cheat Sheet Number 2: 10 Great X-Files Instagram Accounts

It’s Christmas Eve one month later as X-Philes all over the world cheer the arrival of 24 January 2016, the date The X-Files six-episode revival event will be airing.  I don’t know about you guys, but my attention span has shrinked to the size of “Tonight!  Tonight!  Yay!” which doesn’t do a lot for reading. … Read More The X-Files Revival Cheat Sheet Number 2: 10 Great X-Files Instagram Accounts

Review, The M0vie Blog, The X-files, The X-Files, TV, TV Review, X-files

The M0vie Blog’s Review of The X-Files, Season 9, Episodes 19 & 20: ‘The Truth’

The reviews of episodes of The X-Files done by both Max at Apt. 42 Revisited and Darren at The M0vie Blog are almost as good as watching the episode’s themselves, each for their own reason. Darren’s reviews are well researched thesis-like essays that are a pleasure to plunge into. I try to synchronize the featured… Read More The M0vie Blog’s Review of The X-Files, Season 9, Episodes 19 & 20: ‘The Truth’

The X-Files, The X-files, TV, X-files

The X-Files Revival Cheat Sheet Number 1: Lists, lists, and more lists

It’s like counting down to Christmas Eve one month later for X-Philes all over the world as 24 January 2016, the date The X-Files six-episode revival event, will be airing.  To help bring those of you too busy to spend way too many hours scouring the internet up to speed before and during the event,… Read More The X-Files Revival Cheat Sheet Number 1: Lists, lists, and more lists

Blog Review, Career, College Life, Fashion, Food, Healthy Living, Lifestyle, Review

Blog Review: Fifteen Great Blogs Round-Up (Part III of III)

Since starting this feature back in August, I have had the pleasure of discovering and/or reviewing 15 blogs. I was expecting to have to go through one of my biggest difficulties when reviewing books or music: having to find something nice to say about something that really didn’t impress me. Thankfully this wasn’t the case,… Read More Blog Review: Fifteen Great Blogs Round-Up (Part III of III)

Biography, Book Review, Health, Non Fiction, Self-Help, Travel

Book Review: Eat Pray Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert

While I love chick-flicks, they are not the only books that I read (the proof is in the pudding – or rather, in my bookshelf). I read everything and anything, except a certain couple of genres. There is one in particular that I have always been very wary of: self-help books. The few I perused… Read More Book Review: Eat Pray Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert

Acoustic, Music Review, Review, Rock

Music Review: Kings of the Brushwood Thicket – ‘The Lies You Leave Behind’

The nine tracks on Kings of the Brushwood Thicket’s debut album, The Lies You Leave Behind, more or less follow the laid-back style of “He Was a Man”, the release’s first single. They are all stripped down to an almost bare minimum without sacrificing the richness of the final sound. The album, released earlier this… Read More Music Review: Kings of the Brushwood Thicket – ‘The Lies You Leave Behind’

Music Review, Review, Rock

Music Review: Nic Nassuet – ‘Eleutherios’

“Liberator”—that’s what the album’s title, Eleutherios, means in Greek. I’m not quite sure what Nic Nassuet had in mind with this title, but it could be that he is trying to both liberate himself from the restraints imposed by today’s music standards, while at the same time free himself from various demons and ghosts that… Read More Music Review: Nic Nassuet – ‘Eleutherios’

Maeve's Monthly Movie Review, Movie Review, Review

Sahar’s Reviews Presents: Maeve’s Monthly Movie Review

When I saw that Maeve had a movie review of Girl, Interrupted on her blog, I couldn’t resist picking it as a feature of this year’s first edition of Maeve’s Monthly Movie Review.  I watched this movie a couple of times over the years and was always left with so many questions about the meaning… Read More Sahar’s Reviews Presents: Maeve’s Monthly Movie Review

Arts & Culture, Blog Review, Blogging, Career, College Life, Fashion, Food, Healthy Living, Lifestyle, Review

Blog Review: Fifteen Great Blogs Round-Up (Part II of III)

Since starting this feature back in August, I have had the pleasure of discovering and/or reviewing 15 blogs. I was expecting to have to go through one of my biggest difficulties when reviewing books or music: having to find something nice to say about something that really didn’t impress me. Thankfully this wasn’t the case,… Read More Blog Review: Fifteen Great Blogs Round-Up (Part II of III)

Alternative, Music Review, Review, Rock

Music Review: Mpathy – ‘The Golden Boy’ EP

Electropop/indie/pop artist Mpathy (real name Mikael Hirsch), hailing from Boston, is also aptly enough, a scientist. He describes his songwriting process as similar to the way he plans his experiments. Songs first come swirling into his consciousness amidst a flurry of notes and sounds, forcing him to eventually develop a procedure through which he moves… Read More Music Review: Mpathy – ‘The Golden Boy’ EP