Community Building, Community Development, Equality, Gender Identity, Gender Studies

A Four Step Action Plan So That #metoo Can Become #neveragain

The #metoo movement was quite intense, to say the least.  I knew that the prevalence of harassment was high, but some unexpected people in my circle of friends came out with their own #metoo stories that had me shook. It has also been very hard on the men in my circle of friends, who have… Read More A Four Step Action Plan So That #metoo Can Become #neveragain


Complex Thinking for Complex Times: Balancing Everyone’s Rights

We are not living in simple times anymore.  These complex times require complex thinking.  We are being challenged, as a society, to think about new solutions to problems unique because of the advances humans have made in the last 200 years. Because of the speed with which we are advancing and because of the interconnectedness… Read More Complex Thinking for Complex Times: Balancing Everyone’s Rights

Equality, Gender Identity, Gender Studies

Him Wearing a Dress, Her Wearing a Suit: Why the Fuss?

Last Friday, Amanda Stenberg went to prom with Jaden Smith. He wore a dress, the internet is up in arms, and I’m confused. Why can’t Jaden Smith wear a dress? Is it for the same reason little boys are told they can’t wear princess themed shirts or pink shoes? This doesn’t make much sense. How… Read More Him Wearing a Dress, Her Wearing a Suit: Why the Fuss?

Equality, Gender Studies

The Harm to Building Equality of Crying Out Wolf

While we have come a long way on the road to building equality, there are still many hurdles that need to be overcome. One of them is understanding the true meaning of words and concepts such as, for example, equality and of sameness, which are often touted as meaning the same thing. For example, in… Read More The Harm to Building Equality of Crying Out Wolf