
The end of a beautiful fairy tale

I thought that ranting at banks and financial institutions and complaining about how they were bleeding us was only a therapeutic approach to the constraints and stress of budgeting. I kind of was hoping that they weren’t out there only to ‘get’ us, poor little consumer, but to make a profit while helping us. I… Read More The end of a beautiful fairy tale


Rachel getting married (and some other people too, but let’s focus on Rachel)

When you find an artist who is good looking, you tend to be a little biased towards his or her art. It’s always nice to find someone you find absolutely amazingly good looking, inspiring, eloquent AND, to top it off, that person actually produces great art. I have a couple such artists, and the one… Read More Rachel getting married (and some other people too, but let’s focus on Rachel)


Inbox spring cleaning (I’m still in denial)

I’ve been emptying out my inbox and have been stumbling on some hilarious forwards. It seemed like a shame to delete them without one last nod – which is why I have decided to post the best ones on my Blog. It also helps when I have writer’s block. Enjoy! You know you are turning… Read More Inbox spring cleaning (I’m still in denial)


Modern Day Fairy Tales

I’m fairly certain that many of you have already read this one before, but it’s worth reading again. Enjoy! ________________________________ Fairy Tale Number 1 Once upon a time, a guy asked a girl, “Will you marry me?” The girl said “No,” and she lived happily ever after and went shopping, went out with friends, always… Read More Modern Day Fairy Tales


Google’s Project 10^100

To all the wonderful people teeming with amazing ideas to make the world a better place, here is the opportunity of a lifetime! Google, who brought us what is the love of my life, i.e. it’s amazing search engine, has launched Project 10^100. The project’s tag line: ‘May those who help the most win’. Be… Read More Google’s Project 10^100


Dear God…

Everyone has conversations with God, some serious and some hilarious. I thought I’d share some of the funnier ones. Please do share your hilarious conversations/letters with God! We all need a good laugh 😉 September 24th 2008 Dear God; I have been waking up lately to some very cold weather. I wanted to know if… Read More Dear God…

Funny, Music, Opinion

Umbrella-ella-ellas everywhere

Isn’t interesting how the same thing presented in two totally different ways can sound diametrically opposed? I can’t even begin to count the number of misunderstandings that have happened between my friends and me ever since we started using instant messaging. Thank goodness to emoticons I have been discovering the magic of acoustic and cover… Read More Umbrella-ella-ellas everywhere

Funny, General

Partying it up in the name of mental health

There is a lovely Persian tradition that turns the longest night of the year, the winter equinox, into a celebration. It’s called ‘Shabeh Yalda’ – Night of Yalda. I find this concept quite brilliant, as it is basically a healthy community approach to combat winter depression. I think more things like this should be put… Read More Partying it up in the name of mental health


Amazing human creativity

I posted a couple of ads from the Brits a couple of days ago. I haven’t been able to find out where they came from, but they are still quite amazing. Enjoy!


New sport: stacking cups on a sleeping man’s head

You have to hand it to them, some people know how to have fun, rain or shine. Here we have a lovely demonstration of the human being’s ability to have fun even in the most, um, dire? of circumstances. It’s a little long, but if you are in need of a chuckle, this could be… Read More New sport: stacking cups on a sleeping man’s head