Community Building

Regaining the Lost Art of Conversation: A Vital Component to Building a Better World

My Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr feeds have been taken over by an increasingly acebic conversation between fans and critics of pretty much anything that is released by the entertainment industry these days.  And the more the media in question pushes the boundaries, the sharper the words that are used.  With the upcoming release of the… Read More Regaining the Lost Art of Conversation: A Vital Component to Building a Better World


Writing about the Normal Rather than the Abnormal

The scope of the community building process is so large that there is a space for everyone to contribute their talents, whatever this talent might be.  One can imagine my relief to know that my love for writing can be used for this same purpose.  The question of course then becomes how. There is always… Read More Writing about the Normal Rather than the Abnormal

Personal Development

The Balance of Being Kind to Yourself Without Being Lenient

The process of refining one’s character is a highly exciting one, but isn’t always easy.  While there are a lot of great tools that help us along, there are also many pitfalls we can get stuck behind, such as being lenient. The Challenge with “Self-Empowerment” There seem to be a lot of self-empowering messages in… Read More The Balance of Being Kind to Yourself Without Being Lenient

Humility, Writing

Talented vs. Delusional: The Conundrum of an Indie Artist

A few years after I started writing, encouraged by the overwhelmingly positive feedback, I submitted my work for publication.  A quick Google search will demonstrate that my attempts have yielded, to date, one publishing deal.  I took the publishers’ lack of interest as my writing being unworthy of being published.  Of course, that is not… Read More Talented vs. Delusional: The Conundrum of an Indie Artist

Personal Development, Selflessness

How the Selfish and the Selfless can Enter into an Unhealthy Relationship

I mentioned before that there are probably more good people in this world than bad ones.  This is a completely unscientific statement, but I wouldn’t be surprise if a survey determined that, indeed, more people are prone to performing a kind deed rather than a bad one.  How, then, can’t this majority of good people… Read More How the Selfish and the Selfless can Enter into an Unhealthy Relationship

Family, Parenting

Human Rights For Everyone—Including Our Babies

I think we can all agree that babies are human beings just like we are—albeit with quite a few developmental accomplishments ahead of them.  However, I find that we have a hard time putting this concept into practice.  Actually, to be blunt: it is amazing to me how disrespectful we are of our little one’s… Read More Human Rights For Everyone—Including Our Babies

Community Building, Friendship, TV

Community-Building and Friendship in the Era of Friends and The Big Bang Theory

A community is in part defined by the relationships that binds its inhabitants.  More specifically, the number of relationships, their nature, and their quality will have a big influence on the life the community. Beloved Shows… Both Friends and The Big Bang Theory have given millions of fans something that seems to be, on screen,… Read More Community-Building and Friendship in the Era of Friends and The Big Bang Theory

Community Building, Unity, Virtues

Building Understanding in an Increasingly Multicultural World

The topic of building understanding has been touched upon a couple of times on this blog (here, here, and here).  But while it’s easy to agree on the importance of building understanding, it’s not as easy to come up with ways to do it. Big Questions, Simple Answers, Complex Requirements Oftentimes, the answer to such… Read More Building Understanding in an Increasingly Multicultural World

Family, Parenting

The Life of a Parent: Gaining Insight into a Different Kind of Love

The way I understand the Bahá’í Writing, we are created in the image of God, and we can understand Him better by working on the various aspects of our spiritual selves.  I also understand that we are told that one of the main purposes of marriage is to have children. It makes sense to me… Read More The Life of a Parent: Gaining Insight into a Different Kind of Love

Community Building, Justice

Differences in Opinion: Let’s Stop Oppressing One Another

A lot of people have problems with religion.  It’s to the point that I often feel that, as a religious person, I can’t talk about what I really believe in for fear of being labelled.  I have been called a fanatic.  I have been told that I can’t think for myself and that’s why I… Read More Differences in Opinion: Let’s Stop Oppressing One Another