Family, Parenting

Teaching Consent to My Boys: A Guest Post by Zhena

As the mother of two young boys (a 5-year-old, N, and a 21-month-old, Z), I have given a lot of thought about the kind of men I want my boys to grow into. Before I had children, I always dreamt of raising little human beings who would grow up into big human beings who would… Read More Teaching Consent to My Boys: A Guest Post by Zhena

Book Review, Non Fiction, Review

Book Review: National Geography Weird But True! Canada (and three others in the series)

Learning is always fun, but sometimes, learning can be downright silly.  This is the main lesson I take away from National Geographic Kids Weird But True! series.  I was given four books from this series by the team at Moms Meet Canada, and it became a source of a whole lot of silly learning for… Read More Book Review: National Geography Weird But True! Canada (and three others in the series)

Book Review, Fiction, Non Fiction, Review

Book Review Round-Up: Six Great Fall Reads

Well, a dream of mine is one step closer to becoming reality: the team at Penguin Random House has been sending me books to review for them. The last six they have sent me have been so incredibly on point that I am embarrassed they weren’t on my TBR in the first place.  And so,… Read More Book Review Round-Up: Six Great Fall Reads

Book Review, Fiction, Review, Thriller

Book Review: ‘The CleanSweep Counterstrike’, by Chuck Waldron

About the Author Chuck Waldron is the author of four riveting mystery, thriller and suspense novels and more than fifty short stories. Inspired by his grandfather’s tales of the Ozark Mountains and local caves rumored to be havens for notorious gangsters, Waldron was destined to write about crime and the human condition. Those childhood legends… Read More Book Review: ‘The CleanSweep Counterstrike’, by Chuck Waldron

Empowerement, Unity, Virtues

Good People of the World, Unite! Why Greed, Corruption, and Other Nasties are Winning

In the face of all the bad news we have been getting lately, let’s get this out there, again and again: good people are the rule, not the exception.  Which begs the question: why is the world so bad? I think it’s because good people are not organized and united. Strength in Unity Bad people… Read More Good People of the World, Unite! Why Greed, Corruption, and Other Nasties are Winning

Community, Community Building, Community Development, Family, Parenting

Bringing New Parents Up Rather Than Bringing Them Down: Achieving the “Unachievable”

We made it!  My husband, baby, and I have survived our little one’s first 24 months, “despite” being new parents! I say “survive” and “despite”, because according to most parents who gave us unsolicited advice when they found out we were pregnant, having a child marks the end of everything good in our lives. Seriously.… Read More Bringing New Parents Up Rather Than Bringing Them Down: Achieving the “Unachievable”

Empowerement, Personal Development

We Have The Power: Lighting the Entire World, One Small Candle At a Time

I always get such a surge of messages when I write about the power I believe that good people have.  It’s interesting to note how many believe in the power of good, but not in their own power, although they are, themselves, good people. I mean, I highly doubt one of those super greedy CEOs… Read More We Have The Power: Lighting the Entire World, One Small Candle At a Time


Socially Engaged Art in Relation to The Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Program { Guest Post }

{ This post was written by my lovely and supremely talented friend, Shirin } The Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Program is a Baha’i sponsored program for youth aged 11 to 15 years old aimed towards thinking about their inner lives and actions and how they can contribute to the betterment of their community through service… Read More Socially Engaged Art in Relation to The Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Program { Guest Post }


In Honor of Honor: Six Things We Can Do In the Wake of the August 2017 Charlottesville Events

The dark, August days in 2017 after the events in Charlottesville saw a surge of internauts searching my posts for ideas on how to build vibrant, healthy communities.  In the ensuing exchanges of emails with some of my readers, I came to realise that, although I do not believe in racism, very few posts address… Read More In Honor of Honor: Six Things We Can Do In the Wake of the August 2017 Charlottesville Events

Family, Parenting, Pregnancy

PostPartum Body Acceptance: The Struggle is Real

In the face of everything else that a woman has to face in the postpartum period—namely, her brand-new baby and all that it entails—there isn’t much time, initially, to think about herself.  Showers, makeup and hair, and eating are only some of the things that seem to fly out of the window during those first… Read More PostPartum Body Acceptance: The Struggle is Real