Community, Community Building, Governance, Personal Development

Coherence: Asking of our Leaders only What We Work For Ourselves

I have been keeping abreast (as much as my poor heart can take it) of the horrific events in and around Syria. The photograph of the drowned little boy shocked me just like it did many others; the outcry following it made me initially quite happy; perhaps his sacrifice would mean that others wouldn’t have… Read More Coherence: Asking of our Leaders only What We Work For Ourselves

Community, Community Building, Community Development, Governance

A New Kind of Leader: Stepping Away From Old Conceptions of Leadership

My concern about the advancement of humanity through the development of each community makes me naturally think a lot about the question of what makes a good leader.  I find myself often wondering how the conceptions about leadership that I encounter in my reading and in my conversations with other can ever pave the way… Read More A New Kind of Leader: Stepping Away From Old Conceptions of Leadership

Community, Community Building, Community Development, Consultation, Family, Governance

From Governing One’s Family to Governing the World: Learning to Use the Vital Instrument of Consultation

Someone recently mentioned that there is no institution older than that of marriage, which really got me thinking. If this institution has been part of human society for millennia, why are we still so terrible at maintaining it, with divorce rates in North America so high? No wonder, then, that so many conversations revolve on… Read More From Governing One’s Family to Governing the World: Learning to Use the Vital Instrument of Consultation

Book Review

Book Review: The Supervision Solution: Manage Performance, Not People by John Roulet

If you’re a manager and are looking for a formula to apply to your team so as to improve their performance, a word to the wise: this is not the book for you. If you’re a manager and are looking for a great, easy, and fast way to increase your team’s performance and thus hopefully… Read More Book Review: The Supervision Solution: Manage Performance, Not People by John Roulet


Striving For Excellence Without Guilt Tripping in a Morally Lax World

One of the aspects of spiritual development is that of excellence, which is a challenging goal to aspire to. It is of course much easier to strive for spiritual excellence when one is part of an institution that promotes it. Let’s go for an extreme example: being chaste is a lot easier in a nunnery… Read More Striving For Excellence Without Guilt Tripping in a Morally Lax World