Special Projects, The X-Files, The X-files, The X-Files Facebook Project, TV, X-files

The X-Files Facebook Project: Season 1, Episode 11: “Eve”

Special Projects, The X-files, The X-Files, The X-Files Facebook Project, TV, X-files

The X-Files Facebook Project: Season 1, Episode 10: “Fallen Angel”

Special Projects, The X-Files, The X-files, The X-Files Facebook Project, TV, X-files

The X-Files Facebook Project: Season 1, Episode 9: “Space”

Special Projects, The X-Files, The X-files, The X-Files Facebook Project, TV, X-files

The X-Files Facebook Project: Season 1, Episode 8: “Ice”

Special Projects, The X-files, The X-Files, The X-Files Facebook Project, TV, X-files

The X-Files: My Contribution to a Reboot/Revival/Whatever You Want To Call It Just Bring It Back

In January 2010, I embarked on an exciting endeavour which I named, quite simply, The X-Files Facebook Project. I posted an introductory post, then the Facebook conversation for the Pilot, episodes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 of The X-Files. Then, well, it stopped. It’s a project that I have been meaning to come… Read More The X-Files: My Contribution to a Reboot/Revival/Whatever You Want To Call It Just Bring It Back

Special Projects, The X-Files, The X-files, The X-Files Facebook Project, TV, X-files

The X-Files Facebook Project: Season 1, Episode 7: “Ghost in the Machine”

For more of The X-Files Facebook Project, click here then here.

Special Projects, The X-Files, The X-files, The X-Files Facebook Project, TV, X-files

The X-Files Facebook Project: Season 1, Episode 6: “Shadows”

For more of The X-Files Facebook Project, click here then here.

Special Projects, The X-files, The X-Files, The X-Files Facebook Project, TV, X-files

The X-Files Facebook Project: Season 1, Episode 5: “Jersey Devil”

For more of The X-Files Facebook Project, click here then here.

Special Projects, The X-files, The X-Files, The X-Files Facebook Project, TV, X-files

The X-Files Facebook Project: Season 1, Episode 4: “Conduit”

For more of The X-Files Facebook Project, click here then here.

Special Projects, The X-files, The X-Files, The X-Files Facebook Project, TV, X-files

The X-Files Facebook Project: Season 1, Episode 3: “Squeeze”

For more of The X-Files Facebook Project, click here then here.