Personal Development, Tools

Time Tracking As A Tool To Build The Life You Want Instead Of Living the Life You Are Caught In

Finding balance in a society that glorifies a limited range of behaviors, most of which are counterproductive to most, makes a complicated task even more complicated.  I recently had a really interesting conversation with a friend of mine.  He mentioned how despite the fact that he doesn’t stop all day long, every day of the… Read More Time Tracking As A Tool To Build The Life You Want Instead Of Living the Life You Are Caught In

Personal Development

The Potent Combination of Resignation and Empowerment

Trying to understand what resignation means is still very new to me, so please bear with me as I attempt, somewhat clumsily, to put into words some thoughts on it for the first time ever on this blog. Being resigned is seen by some as an act of weakness, something someone who has given up… Read More The Potent Combination of Resignation and Empowerment

Personal Development

The Delicate Dance of Virtues

I remember being a kid and learning about virtues.  One week, we would learn about courage.  The other, love; then another, about courage.  On and on it went—with one major question, brought up again and again by my friends and I, remaining largely unanswered: what about the relationship between these virtues? I can’t blame my… Read More The Delicate Dance of Virtues

Community, Community Building, Community Development, Personal Development

Fulfilling Our Individual Responsibility Towards Global Economic Life

There is an exciting discourse gaining increasing momentum online: how to use what the world has to give us—food, clothes, stuff—to live a better life, rather than living life to collect increasing amounts of food, clothes, and stuff.  There is the minimalist movement, the sharing economy, the buy local movement, and, of course, efforts to… Read More Fulfilling Our Individual Responsibility Towards Global Economic Life

Blog Action Day, Community, Personal Development

Eliminating Extreme Poverty: Possible Personal Contributions

I’ve been going through my older posts systematically in the last couple of weeks and taking the time to write an updated post on the many topics I touched upon since launching this blog in 2008.  It’s interesting to see how some things have really not changed in the last nine years, how some have… Read More Eliminating Extreme Poverty: Possible Personal Contributions

Personal Development

When Your Voice Isn’t Deemed Good Enough

I run into a very interesting dilemma every couple of months or so.  It goes a little something like this. I regularly update my media kit so that I have something at the ready for the various inquiries that come my way.  I have an Excel sheet in which every couple of months I chart… Read More When Your Voice Isn’t Deemed Good Enough

Personal Development

Choosing to Turn Towards the Good: A Powerful, Empowering Choice

When I twisted my ankle back in 2008, I remember how a whole new world opened up to me right where I had been living for a number of years.  On the one hand, I saw just how selfish, self-centered, and unaware people were, as they would rush by me and ignore the fact that… Read More Choosing to Turn Towards the Good: A Powerful, Empowering Choice

Arts, Personal Development

An Artist’s Life And An Artist’s Art: How Coherent Should They Be?

I wasn’t very good with titles back in 2008, and this post is solid proof of the lack of title-writing skills.  The reflection though is still something that I constantly think about: the ever-present dichotomy the work of some artists and their personal lives.  And in this case, think of “artist” in the broad sense… Read More An Artist’s Life And An Artist’s Art: How Coherent Should They Be?

Personal Development

No More Headaches: Overcoming Dichotomies to Create Coherence

I often feel like I am only a step away from being caught up in a life defined by more money, more shopping, more outings, more, more, and more.  Why?  Because that’s the message that I feel I am being bombarded with.  When I go out, I see billboards and signs inviting me to do… Read More No More Headaches: Overcoming Dichotomies to Create Coherence

Personal Development

When Lady Luck Takes Centre Stage: The Importance Of Celebrating Hard Work

We tend to view the world in a fragmented way, so much so that our minds create dichotomies where there are none.  Back in September 2008, I shared my frustration at how Olympians’ achievements were oftentimes chalked up to luck; Usain Bolt’s success, for example, was apparently downplayed because of the genetics that gave him… Read More When Lady Luck Takes Centre Stage: The Importance Of Celebrating Hard Work