Baha'is in Iran

News: Iran’s new school year again excludes Baha’is

Unfortunately, things haven’t started changing (yet)… NEW YORK, 3 October 2008 (BWNS) — As the new academic year got under way, young Baha’is in Iran again found the door to higher education closed. Although in its public stance the Iranian government maintains that Baha’is are free to attend university, reports over the past few weeks… Read More News: Iran’s new school year again excludes Baha’is

General, Opinion

Who said men can’t be nurturing?

While it might seem that the world is falling apart around us, the signs that humanity has yet given up on itself abound. Various organizations are created all the time and all seem to be working very hard on making the world a better place. Some of them seem to lean more towards the publicity… Read More Who said men can’t be nurturing?


Some fun cell green ideas

Here are some nifty ideas, taken from the October 2008 issue of Oprah, on how to turn your cell phone greener (and no, it doesn’t involved buying a new green faceplate. That’s for St-Patrick’s Day, not for the environment). 1. Hit the Right Note: Why settle for a simple brrnnnng when your phone can chirp… Read More Some fun cell green ideas

Short Story

Short Story: The car in the fog

Ah, the life of a college student. It makes it a lot easier on me to have someone with whom I can share the workload. My sister is great – she’s much more organised than me, and she helped me more than once organise myself, while I help her with memorization. Unfortunately, we can’t share… Read More Short Story: The car in the fog


Sweet quote…

“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” Charles M. Schulz

Environment, Opinion

Consumption shock

Marie-Claire’s blog offers a lot of interesting sites and posts to visit. There is one in particular that hit me, especially in the wake of the post I wrote on The Story of Stuff earlier this week, and that is the link to a photographic arts show by Chris Jordan. It’s title: Running the numbers:… Read More Consumption shock

Environment, Opinion

Review: The Story of Stuff, by Annie Leonard

Stuff. It’s all around us. Some of it is essential. Some of it is less essential. Some of it isn’t essential at all and some of it is totally ridiculous. I’m a child of the 80s and a product of the intense awareness-raising campaigns that were done in schools back then to encourage recycling. If… Read More Review: The Story of Stuff, by Annie Leonard

Book Review

Review: Stephanie Nolen’s 28 Stories of AIDS in Africa

I’m currently reading a fantastic book. It’s amazingly written; the language is rich and eloquent, yet very easy to read. However, it is very difficult to read in that the content is quite harsh. Many know the statistics: HIV has infected millions worldwide and AIDS has killed millions. Many also know that Africa is being… Read More Review: Stephanie Nolen’s 28 Stories of AIDS in Africa

Beauty, Opinion

Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the prettiest of them all?

I finally figured out what was bothering me about the whole concept behind America’s Next Top Model. Tyra Banks says that she wants to promote different types of beauty. While she is doing that in one way, in that there are contestants from various backgrounds as well as winners from different backgrounds, she is also… Read More Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the prettiest of them all?


Some graduate humour…

The Top Ten Lies Told by Graduate Students (according to the Harvard Crimson) 10 – It doesn’t bother me at all that my college roommate is making $80,000 a year on Wall Street. 9 – I’d be delighted to proofread your book/chapter/article. 8 – My work has a lot of practical importance. 7 – I… Read More Some graduate humour…