
Obama fundraising moves to transition, inauguration phase

From CNN: Obama fundraising moves to transition, inauguration phase From Christine Romans, CNN (NEW YORK) CNN — After raising a staggering amount of money for the general election, President-elect Barack Obama must now rake in more cash for his transition and inauguration. There is about $9.74 million of taxpayer funds available to pay for the… Read More Obama fundraising moves to transition, inauguration phase


Complications for the sake of maintaining the psychosis

We humans are an interesting species. We want to get things done the fastest and easiest way possible, so you would think we would trust the simplest solutions? Logically, yes. But since we are humans, we tend to trust the most complicated solutions. Actually, it’s even worse: we not only trust the most complicated solutions,… Read More Complications for the sake of maintaining the psychosis


Review: Heroes, Season 3, Episode 9

I might sound slightly redundant, saying the same thing week after week, but… What a great episode! While some might argue that there are more and more plot holes, I would very kindly argue that up to now, things get (eventually) explained and that we should keep giving Heroes a chance – at least until… Read More Review: Heroes, Season 3, Episode 9


All the Single Ladies (and everyone else for that matter) watch this!

I wondered if, after the elections were over, SNL would go back to its less than wonderful pre-election self. Don’t get me wrong – I am a fan of the show and have been wishing for a comeback as much as the next fan. But I am also a realist, and I couldn’t help but… Read More All the Single Ladies (and everyone else for that matter) watch this!


November 18th post of Dead-Alive for NaNoWriMo

Everyone has secrets, some of which are less innocent than others. Usually, having a secret out is worse for the secret-bearer than for those hearing it. Most of the time, the initial buzz of controversy quietly fades out and life goes on, almost unchanged. But some secrets, if uncovered, can completely change lives – that… Read More November 18th post of Dead-Alive for NaNoWriMo


Voluntary Simplicity, aka Psychosis in a Materialistic world

I woke up this morning, went to my closet and stared darkly at its contents, muttering to myself that I had nothing to wear and that I should go shopping, promising myself that after the bad couple of days I had had, I would make it up to myself and splurge like crazy. After all,… Read More Voluntary Simplicity, aka Psychosis in a Materialistic world


Questions sent to the International Tourism Website about Canada

I got this forward a couple of times, and it’s just too hilarious not to share here. However, I have to admit that I really hope these questions are not real, or that the utter ridiculousness is due to a lack of language skills and not because of a lack in grey matter. If not,… Read More Questions sent to the International Tourism Website about Canada


Review: Ugly Betty, Episode 8, Season 3

Another Thursday evening, another episode of Ugly Betty. I can tell you one great thing about spraining your ankle: since you should be sitting with your ankle up, it gives you a great excuse to do that in front of the TV. For the first time in ages, I’m on top of all my shows.… Read More Review: Ugly Betty, Episode 8, Season 3


Obamania continues, and his popularity will only grow

Seriously. Read this article and it will be impossible to say that Obama’s popularity won’t grow on Main Street. I don’t know about Wall Street though… By the way, when you are done reading, do let me know what you think about the entire election system; it almost seems like a lobbyist’s dream come true,… Read More Obamania continues, and his popularity will only grow


November 16th post of Dead-Alive for NaNoWriMo08

The first issue that needed to be addressed was the tension at work. I called David and asked him to come back in so that together, we could confront the other two. “Wimp,” he said, rightfully so. “Will you come?” “I’ll be there in twenty minutes.” Together we talked to Reena and Connor and set… Read More November 16th post of Dead-Alive for NaNoWriMo08