
Eliminating prejudices: a lot of work to be done

The elimination of prejudices is an essential step in creating a new world order in which all humans have the potential to reach their high destiny, working together to fulfilling a dual moral purpose of advancing themselves as well as advancing humanity. Prejudices are of many kinds, and they all work to create disunity. Shoghi… Read More Eliminating prejudices: a lot of work to be done


Some thoughts on Haiti

The events in Haiti have left me just like many others leaving feeling distraught and helpless. Short of donating money and, for those of us who can, leaving for Haiti to lend a helping hand, there doesn’t seem to be a lot more we can do. I have been struggling for the last week to… Read More Some thoughts on Haiti


All isn’t at it seems, even (especially?) when it seems good

I’m not a cynic. Seriously, I’m not. I might have a sarcastic comeback to many a comment, as some of you well know, but I am definitely not a cynic. However, I am a realist, which is why information like this doesn’t surprise me: Hardline women won’t help Iran I wish I could feel proud… Read More All isn’t at it seems, even (especially?) when it seems good


From BWNS: ‘Trial of seven imprisoned Baha’i leaders postponed’

Posted on August 17th 2009 The trial of seven Baha’i leaders imprisoned in Iran has been postponed until 18 October, the Baha’i International Community learned today. According to Diane Ala’i, the Baha’i International Community representative to the United Nations in Geneva, following a request for postponement of the trial from Mr. Hadi Esmaielzadeh and Ms.… Read More From BWNS: ‘Trial of seven imprisoned Baha’i leaders postponed’


From CNN: “Lawyer: Iran has no evidence against Baha’i prisoners”

Story Highlights: Seven Baha’i prisoners accused of espionage to go on trial Tuesday in Iran Baha’is are accused of spying for Israel, spreading propaganda against Iran One of defendants’ attorneys is in jail; another is outside the country Case of the seven Baha’is has drawn global attention Story: Iran should release seven Baha’i prisoners accused… Read More From CNN: “Lawyer: Iran has no evidence against Baha’i prisoners”


Making the most of it… or not

It’s absolutely fantastic that Generation X (which, according to the article I am referring to, are all those born after 1977) are such optimists. And with reason: the world does hold a lot of potential to become an amazing place for everyone to live in. However, signs that this is also an overly self-centred generation… Read More Making the most of it… or not


Building a better world one neighborhood at a time

The quest for the answer to the biggest question on Sahar’s Blog as well as on the minds of the hundreds of Sahar’s Blog readers continues: how are we going to get ourselves out of the world-wide funk we are in and step into the great, peaceful and just world we know we can create?… Read More Building a better world one neighborhood at a time


How to create a peaceful and just New World Order

As everyone who has been following Sahar’s Blog closely knows, one of the most important topics covered here is that of creating a peaceful and just world. I was talking about this with a dear friend of mine, and we came up with an analogy I’d like to share with you. If life is a… Read More How to create a peaceful and just New World Order


Unjust justice – more post-election unrest in Iran

It’s not because I haven’t been blogging that I haven’t been reading or following up on certain matters that are important to me, one of which being the situation in Iran. The disregard of the rights of the people in Iran who don’t agree with the government has been difficult to watch; paint me naîve,… Read More Unjust justice – more post-election unrest in Iran


Activism and Social Justice: How to make sure that fist you’re shaking actually moves something

Ouh, how I love receiving beautifully worded comments that inspire me to rethink things. Here is an amazing comment left by an anonymous Sahar’s Blog reader on this post: Hello there, I would like to offer a rebuttal of the concept that rallies are inherently ineffective. You wrote (and repeated for emphasis) that “raising awareness…… Read More Activism and Social Justice: How to make sure that fist you’re shaking actually moves something