
Writing about the Normal Rather than the Abnormal

The scope of the community building process is so large that there is a space for everyone to contribute their talents, whatever this talent might be.  One can imagine my relief to know that my love for writing can be used for this same purpose.  The question of course then becomes how. There is always… Read More Writing about the Normal Rather than the Abnormal

General, Opinion

Learning to Love and Live The Banality of Good

Most people are good and yet, when it comes to the news, books, television shows, and movies, the emphasis is on the bad. Now while bad makes for great plots, what are the underlying assumptions of it being more worthy than good as the focus of media content creation? That good is boring. That bad… Read More Learning to Love and Live The Banality of Good

TV Review

Normalizing “The Other”: The Case of Little Mosque on the Prairie

I don’t have any through research nor lots of data to back the following statement up, but it seems to me that one of the reasons for the recent upsurge in prejudices, as expressed in various anti-insert-a-culture-or-religion-here sentiment is intimately linked with fear of the unknown, which, mixed with a liberal dose of misinformation, can… Read More Normalizing “The Other”: The Case of Little Mosque on the Prairie