General, Special Projects

The X-Files Facebook Project: Season 2, Episode 13: “Irresistible”

Sahar’s Blog is happy to host new posts of The X-Files Facebook Project every Fridays at 10:13 a.m. EST pending no alien abduction or government conspiracy to break up. For previous editions of this project, click here then here. A big thank you to The X-Files Wiki, Apt. 42 Revisited, and Eat The Corn for… Read More The X-Files Facebook Project: Season 2, Episode 13: “Irresistible”

Special Projects, The X-files, The X-Files Facebook Project, X-files

The X-Files Facebook Project: Season 2, Episode 12: “Aubrey”

Sahar’s Blog is happy to host new posts of The X-Files Facebook Project every Fridays at 10:13 a.m. EST pending no alien abduction or government conspiracy to break up. For previous editions of this project, click here then here. A big thank you to The X-Files Wiki, Apt. 42 Revisited, and Eat The Corn for… Read More The X-Files Facebook Project: Season 2, Episode 12: “Aubrey”


Social Action: A Geek Friendly Series of Analogies

It is inspiring to hear so many stories about an increasing number of individuals at the grassroots arising to make their communities a better place. Reading these stories, one gets the feeling that instead of getting discouraged, we are learning, little by little, to overcome challenges and obstacles to social action. This approach also seems… Read More Social Action: A Geek Friendly Series of Analogies


When movies are taken out of context

Many of my recent reflections on various topics asunder have, in their conclusion, included the fact that context is vital to understanding a situation or a concept. So it won’t come as a surprise that the following four paragraphs, taken from a really well-written piece posted on Den of Geek about the importance of context… Read More When movies are taken out of context