The third edition of a round-up of my husband’s book reviews on Sahar’s Reviews is not as much as a round-up as, well, just one review of a book that I also read and enjoyed just as much as he did. Borna rated Monsieur Linh and His Child (by Philippe Claudel) 5 out of 5 stars and this is one of those cases that I agree with such a high rating (I’m a lot pickier when it comes to rating books that high!) In his review, Borna says: “Wow. The (relatively) short story of Monsieur Linh and His Child is captivating from beginning to end. Short sentences, short chapters and an interesting story that takes you from an unnamed war-torn Asian country to an unnamed country accepting refugees. Monsieur Linh ends up daily sitting on a park bench, listening to Monsieur Bark, speaking a language he does not understand. Despite this, the friendship develops and grows, and they go to places. When Monsieur Linh is suddenly removed from his refugee home, he immediately sets his mind on meeting up again with his friend. The journey ends unexpectedly, with a true twist. It’s a quick and easy read, which really makes you reflect on your relationships, with both those near and far from you. I really recommend reading it, and it won’t take you more than a day or two.” Kindle version available here; print edition, here.
Sahar’s Reviews Presents: Borna’s Monthly Book Roundup Number 3
April 1, 2015