Team work is essential to a lot of things. I am quite relieved to know that Borna is reading up quite avidly on the topic–not only is it helping him as a member of the community as well as professionally, he has been able to infuse our relationship with the wisdom gained through such reading choices.
He recently picked up The Wisdom of Teams by Jon R. Katzenbach and Douglas K. Smith which we both thought would bring a lot of useful insights into this particular work mode. And although Borna felt that the book did drag on a little too much, he still rated it 3 of 5 stars and I have added it to my TBR pile.
Seriously, we are going to be buried in books soon if we both don’t start reading the same books at the same time and developing a swapping system with other avid readers. Or maybe the extra books will provide us with increasingly better insulation to get through winters?
Have a book you think Borna should read? Head over to
Goodreads and let him know, or leave a comment
below–I’ll make sure he gets it!