My Books

4.83 avg. rating (96% score) - 6 votes

Aspects of Baha’i Personal and Community Life

“Every child is potentially the light of the world.” –Abdu’l-Bahá

As of October 2023, there are five titles in this series.  For more information on reading order, click here.

Starr and Her Family Host a Feast

Starr and Her Family Host a Feast by Sahar Sabati

Hosting Feast bring Starr and her parents together in this delightful picture book for readers between the ages of 3 and 5.

First book in the Aspects of Baha’i Personal and Community Life for Children Series.

Amazon links (change the .com for the country you are ordering to): English, French, Portuguese, Swedish.
Also available in German.

Rani Consults with her Local Assembly 

Rani wants to do service projects like her brother does with his friends, so her parents encourage her to consult with her Local Spiritual Assembly. Rani is unsure how the meeting will go, but soon finds out that the Assembly will always make time for her. An illustrated story for children between the ages of 3 and 6.

Fifth book in the Aspects of Baha’i Personal and Community Life for Children Series, for children between the ages of 3 and 6.

Amazon links (change the .com to the country you are ordering to): English, French.

Nuala Says Her Prayers

Nuala Says Her Prayers by Sahar Sabati

A regular bedtime turns into an insightful father-daughter conversation about the meaning of prayer in his delightful picture book for readers between the ages of 3 and 7. Based on the Baha’i understanding of the meaning of prayer and a real-life conversation between a mother and her precocious 3 year-old.

Second book in the Aspects of Baha’i Personal and Community Life for Children Series.

Amazon links (change the .com for the country you are ordering to): English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish.

Ushkat’s Mushum Dies

Ushkat's Mushum DiesWhen Ushkat’s mushum (grandfather) dies, she is left with a lot of questions. Thankfully, Mom is there, sharing her understanding of what the Bahá’í Writings have to say about life after death.

Third book in the Aspects of Baha’i Personal and Community Life for Children Series, for children between the ages of 4 and 9.

Amazon links (change the .com for the country you are ordering to): English, French.
Also available in German.

Luciana’s Parents are Fasting

Luciana knows she is the only one eating during the day because her parents are fasting, but it doesn’t make eating along any easier!  Dinnertime turns into a question-and-answer period as Luciana’s parents help expand her understanding of the Baha’i Fast.

Fourth book in the Aspects of Baha’i Personal and Community Life for Children Series, for children between the ages of 5 and 9.

Amazon links (change the .com to the country you are ordering to): English.
Also available in German.

Madoka Goes On Pilgrimage

Madoka is finally old enough to go on Pilgrimage!  Follow her as she prepares for this spiritually charged adventure, as she visits the various Baha’i Holy Places in Haifa and ‘Akka, and as she takes the spirit of Pilgrimage home with her.  For readers ages 7 and higher.

Sixth book in the Aspects of Baha’i Personal and Community Life For Children series, for children between the ages of 7 and 14.

Amazon link (change the .com for the country you are ordering to): English.

Other Children’s Books

The Blue Animal and The Talking Bush

(English, change the .com to the country you are ordering to)

The Blue Animal and the Talking Bush by Sahar SabatiWhen a mysterious liquid turned Kimiya the cow blue, she is puzzled why her friends don’t believe it’s still her underneath it all. A charming story that opens the door for parents to have a conversation with their child about the difference between being gullible and being open-minded.

Standalone book.

Amazon links (change the .com for the country you are ordering to): English, French.

Spirit Within Club Series

“Where there is love, nothing is too much trouble and there is always time.” –Abdu’l-Bahá

Spirit Within Club 1

(English, change the .com to the country you are ordering to)

Spirit Within Club by Sahar Sabati

The arts teacher is ruining what used to be Aiko’s favorite class.  Zeke misses out on the best part of the whole year – the science fair – when he has to go into the hospital.  Arwen lives to play soccer but a stupid lie means he might not be allowed to play.  Ghada comes home to find that her beloved grandma has died.
When ten-year-old friends set up an after-school club so they can hang out together more often, they don’t expect to be able to solve these problems themselves.  But when they tap into the spirit within them, they and their friends discover that they have the power to make the world a better place.

“Bravo for this lovely, slim volume that should sit under the Christmas tree for all young readers. It’s about 10-year-olds but is appropriate for ages as young as eight.”–Lynn Voedisch, Blogcritics

“Preteen and early teen years are a time when things cease being black and white, and there are more questions than answers. Spirit Within Club portrays a year in the life of kids who are trying to find answers for and about themselves, and introduces an array of thought-provoking questions that will help real kids discover the meaning of responsibility, friendship, and tolerance. Its lessons in social ethics and spiritual development are a bonus.”
–Kathryn E. Etier, Technorati

The writer was spot on with only taking one to make a difference and we all must take that first step. Well, seven friends have taken that first step. Who and how many can we add to it?”
–Bethanie, Bethanie’s Books

Spirit Within Club 2

(English, change the .com to the country you are ordering to)

Spirit Within Club 2 by Sahar SAbatiArwen’s schoolwork and coaching duties are increasing substantially; to make it worse, his parents are having marriage problems. Ghada is struggling to choose between what her Bahá’í Faith teaches and what magazines, television, and movies invite her to do. Being part of the Spirit Within Club is taking its toll on Egan’s friendships at the Buddhist Temple. The club’s newest member, MaSovaida, doesn’t understand why the house of a devout Christian family like hers was robbed.After the initial success of their club, launched only a year ago, a group of eleven-year-old friends realise that making the world a better place entails a whole new set of challenges. But when they start widening their circle – of friends, mentors, and activities – they realise that their power and influence can only increase.

Spirit Within Club 3

Coming Soon!

Short Story Collections

“In a rough way the short story writer is to the novelist as a cabinetmaker is to a house carpenter.” –Annie Proulx

Chills: A Short Story Collection

(English, change the .com to the country you are ordering to)

Chills: A Short Story Collection

The same people are impossibly spotted in two different places at once; a man considers murdering the husband of a woman he loves; while driving home very early in the morning, a driverless car appears out of the fog and follows two sisters home. Fear of the unknown, emotional intensity, and plain old creepiness will give you chills long after you have finished reading the seven stories in this collection.

Close the shutters, lock the doors, pull the covers up around your neck and grab a mug of tea…
Summer Prescott

I was enthralled from the moment I started the first story in the book…
Sophie, Reviewed The Book

A brilliantly scary debut by Sahar Sabati–thankfully without the gore!
Aditi Nichani, A Thousand Words A Million Books

It takes talent to write a good short story that is really scary, but Sahar Sabati accomplished just that.
Kelsey Harris, Progress is Peace

A creepy primer of paranormal stories with twisted unexpected endings, this chilling little book of stories by Sahar Sabati is perfect for those first time readers of horror not looking for a blood-soaked visceral experience. Instead, the collection’s appeal is in its ordinary recognisable characters and Sabati’s reflection on the spooky and disturbing anomalies that touch our every day.
Lee Murray, Author of Misplaced

Love: A Short Story Collection

(English, change the .com to the country you are ordering to)

Love: A Short Story Collection

At least two of these moved me to tears… The collection is so well-integrated, I don’t think one could have had this effect without the others.
Melissa Erin Knudtson, Amazon Review

Fantastic, thought-provoking collection. Highly Recommend! A great collection that explores what it means to love and be loved. I highly recommend taking the time to curl up in a corner and immerse yourself in these beautiful stories, poems and LOVE.
Chelsea Miller, Amazon Review

Warp and Woof: A Short Story Collection

(English; change the .com to the country you are ordering to)

Warp and Woof: A Short Story Collection

Poignant and interesting collection of stories that opens up an in depth discussion on family life and all that that entails. Warp and Woof is brilliant and thought-provoking.
Sieni A.M., Amazon Review

This book is really interesting and informative. The way it approaches topics will give you pause for thought – and it is worth reading for that alone
Samie Sands, Amazon Review

All in all, a fantastic read! Wonderfully therapeutic and really makes you think about your own life and issues and the relationships around and within you.
Hebe, No Twerking Here Please

If you’re looking for a collection of short stories that is enjoyable, can bring a smile of recognition to your face and is a fun and insightful read, this is a fantastic choice.
Laura Seeber, Writer’s Thread 

Young Adult Fiction

“A lot of people have no idea that right now YA is the Garden of Eden of literature.” –Sherman Alexie

A State of Infinite Reflection

Coming soon!

Adult Fiction

Coming soon!

4.83 avg. rating (96% score) - 6 votes