
The mystery of the possible click in P!nk’s name

I received a couple of questions regarding the ‘click’ I mentioned in P!nk’s name. So I decided to clear it up with the help of the one and only Russell Peter.

General, Opinion

In the endless search for understanding in a world that doesn’t make sense

So apparently, Joseph Petcka killed a cat. I’m a little confused. Why is this hot news? Why is it at the top of all Google searches? He’s an actor. So? He was on Sex and the City. So? He was a prospect for professional baseball. So? I must be missing something. Because while the act… Read More In the endless search for understanding in a world that doesn’t make sense


8 Classic Movies That Got Away With Gaping Plot Holes

Usually I get annoyed when someone disses something I really like. But I have to hand it to Darach McGarrigle, his critic of one of my favorite movies at the time (hey, I was a teenager) is spot on and hilarious (and slightly edited) : “The Plot: Marty McFly goes back in time, helps his… Read More 8 Classic Movies That Got Away With Gaping Plot Holes

Hockey, Montreal Canadiens

Here we go again…

Ah, hockey. One cannot have lived in Montreal and not become a Montreal Canadiens fan. The NHL team with the most Stanley Cups, with some of the greatest hockey stars, celebrating it’s 100 anniversary this year. Up until last year, Montreal has been pretty tame and well-behaved when it comes to going nuts about it’s… Read More Here we go again…

Book Review, Twilight

Review: Twilight Saga, by Stephenie Meyer

I’m not certain what makes some stories as popular as they are, while others, of the same caliber, barely make it off the shelves. Certainly Harry Potter was amazing and deserved every bit of the success it got (I myself am the proud owner of the entire set!). But there are other stories of the… Read More Review: Twilight Saga, by Stephenie Meyer


You have to hand it to the Brits…

They sure do have a sense of humor! Here are some ads that were spotted around England. I received this forward awhile ago but I do hope the signs are real and that they are still up! Enjoy!

General, Opinion

Doing your best out of fear

Injustice annoys me. Thoroughly. It makes me lose my cool like nothing else can. This is one of the reasons I find it so sad that in today’s “modern” world, in “developed” countries, there are still so many people do their best at work not because they are inspired to do so, but rather because… Read More Doing your best out of fear


My top ten favorite Youtube videos (for now)

Like any good young adult of the 21st century, I contribute to the cultural phenomenon that is Youtube by spending quality time watching clip after clip. There are many (far too many) terrible videos out there, there are also some pretty amazing ones too. So here are, in no particular order, my top ten favourite… Read More My top ten favorite Youtube videos (for now)

General, Junior Youth

Médecins Sans Frontières

The clip below was produced by Médecins Sans Frontières to raise awareness of the ever-present impact of AIDS in Africa. It’s very short, under a minute, and very simple – yet the message is clear and powerful. Enjoy. For more information on MSF: For more information on AIDS and what is being done around… Read More Médecins Sans Frontières


Burn after Reading (not your computer; the movie)

I like it when people get to a place in their lives where they don’t need to do what they are told, but rather can do what they want. And I like it even more when these people choose to do things that are good for the world, or just plain good, like the upcoming… Read More Burn after Reading (not your computer; the movie)