

“The pages of swiftly-appearing newspapers are indeed the mirror of the world. They reflect the deeds and the pursuits of divers peoples and kindreds.” Bahá’u’lláh

Blog Action Day, Opinion

Health for all, gender equality, animal rights etc: which cause to choose?

October 15th was Blog Action Day, and its theme was poverty. It’s a great cause and, energized by the experience of engaging in elevated conversations with people from around the world about this important topic, I spent the last couple of days talking about it to all the poor souls I encountered. One encounter in… Read More Health for all, gender equality, animal rights etc: which cause to choose?

Blog Action Day

Let’s help this woman break her piggy bank

From a fellow blogger: FOR EVERY COMMENT ON THIS POST, I WILL DONATE $1.00 to Ethiopian Orphan Relief or our local SLR voucher program (Donations split 50/50–and I suppose I must set some limit!) For every comment sharing what you are doing or will do to fight poverty, I will donate $2. Will you write… Read More Let’s help this woman break her piggy bank


Ugly Betty, Vogue & the art of modeling: what is the price to be the Next Top Model?

While I love fashion and Ugly Betty (the two seem forever linked in my mind now…), there are many aspects of both which bother me. First of all, the easy topic. Ugly Betty is a fantastic show about Betty, a young lady from Queens who gets a job as assistant to the editor-in-chief of Mode… Read More Ugly Betty, Vogue & the art of modeling: what is the price to be the Next Top Model?


The Chick Lit Debate

As a follow-up to a debate I unwillingly stuck my big toe in a couple of days ago while reviewing Jennifer Weiner’s book Little Earthquakes, here is a very interesting article I found that I’d like to share. Chick Lit’s Big Fight By Helaine Olen August 16th 2006 August 16, 2006It’s hard to believe it… Read More The Chick Lit Debate

Blog Action Day

Blog Action Day: the stats

12’720 sites contributed to Blog Action Day, with a combined 13’422’856 RSS readers (plus countless single visits). Pretty insane, no?

General, International Development, Opinion

The evil that are taxes… Or are they?

Before you call 1-800-KILL-HER, do give me a chance to explain myself. If I don’t end up surprising you, then I’ll dial the number myself. I’m not saying that taxes are easy to pay; I’ll be the first to admit that seeing, right beside the money that should be going into my bank account, the… Read More The evil that are taxes… Or are they?

Blog Action Day

Blog Action Day: A Personal Perspective

I have two very different types of experiences with poverty. On the one hand, having grown up mainly in West Africa, I have seen people who truly are hungry on a daily basis. When you these things, you can turn your head away, or you can choose to act. My parents chose to act and… Read More Blog Action Day: A Personal Perspective

Blog Action Day

Blog Action Day: More interesting posts

I am not getting much else done today, but I have to say that my understanding of poverty and my vision of what can be done has been increasing. Here is another roundup of the most interesting blog posts I have read related to Blog Action Day 2008. Out of poverty with dignity: Sounds like… Read More Blog Action Day: More interesting posts

Blog Action Day

Blog Action Day: A little does go a long way

Poverty exists everywhere in the world, but its face changes from continent to continent, from country to country, from region to region. The very definition of poverty also changes; some people consider themselves poor because they can’t go overseas during the holidays, while others consider themselves poor because they can’t afford to eat more than… Read More Blog Action Day: A little does go a long way