
We should stop fooling ourselves… After all, it’s all about money

Sad, sad reality, but hockey fans, snap out of it: it has nothing to do with hometown pride (who on the Montreal Canadiens come from Montreal?) and everything to do with money. And here is one proof amongst many, many others. NHL ponders 2 teams in Toronto: report NHL governors are talking informally about placing… Read More We should stop fooling ourselves… After all, it’s all about money


Chronicles of a Twisted ankle (and mind, perhaps)

Unfortunately, today’s issue of the Chronicles of a Twisted Ankle isn’t too cheerful. Perhaps it’s the darkening days, the gloomy day or the fact that by the time I got home, I was soaked; but perhaps it has to do with the fact that every nice thing people have done for me since I got… Read More Chronicles of a Twisted ankle (and mind, perhaps)


Helen Epstein’s insight into the Underground Economy of AIDS

A couple of days ago, I posted a review of a fantastic book by Helen Epstein, The Invisible Cure. I have been following Mrs. Epstein’s work and have found a great essay she wrote for the Virginia Quarterly Review. The theme of this essay was taken up in The Invisible Cure, so this post is… Read More Helen Epstein’s insight into the Underground Economy of AIDS


Review: Heroes, Episode 7, Season 3

The twists and turns in Heroes had been known to give its viewers headaches, but this season is bound to give them migraines. It also feels like the series is back to it’s full former glory, which was slightly tainted during season 2. Actually, I’d like to correct myself: I think that Season 3 of… Read More Review: Heroes, Episode 7, Season 3


Chronicles of a sprained ankle: the case of the ‘stolen’ eggs

Everything is so much more complicated when one is on crutches. For example, I went to buy eggs today. As I hobbled into the grocery store, I realized that I hadn’t thought out how I would bring the eggs to the cash. So I took a plastic bag from the front, thinking that I would… Read More Chronicles of a sprained ankle: the case of the ‘stolen’ eggs


Another day, yet another question

So I’ve been wondering (surprise, surprise). Am I the only one that seems to think that we live in a society in which we are wired to worry? It sometimes feels like worrying has become a sport. Although the mental image associated with an Olympic event of worrying is quite amusing, the reality isn’t quite… Read More Another day, yet another question


Let the random musings and constant questionning continue…

So I’ve been thinking. Yes, it happens, and it sometimes yields interesting results. I’m a Baha’i, and in the Baha’i Faith we are told we should personally investigate the truth and figure it out for ourselves. Through independent reading, analysis, conversations and consultation, we are encouraged to find out the real meaning of truth –… Read More Let the random musings and constant questionning continue…


Review of Heroes Episode 6, Season 3

So I finally caught up on Heroes and I was pleasantly surprised at the newest developments. OK, fine, I was ecstatic – finally a show that doesn’t mind playing with its characters, making them go from evil to good and back again. Heroes appeal just might be in the fact that even with something as… Read More Review of Heroes Episode 6, Season 3


Random musings and eternal questions

I have had more questions than insights lately, which means that this blog might give you a migraine in the upcoming days, if not weeks. After all, it is called Midnight musings of an overactive mind! I am sharing some of these questions with you in the hopes of gleaning insight into them – eventually… Read More Random musings and eternal questions

Baha'is in Iran

Iranian report confirms innocence of Shiraz Baha’is

From Baha’i World News Service Iranian report confirms innocence of Shiraz Baha’is 24 October 2008 NEW YORK — An Iranian inspector who examined the 2006 arrests of a group of young Baha’is in Shiraz, Iran, filed a confidential report dated June 2008 confirming what Baha’is have said all along: that their activities were strictly humanitarian… Read More Iranian report confirms innocence of Shiraz Baha’is