
IHT: Foot soldiers of civil rights realize a lifelong dream

It looks like I have become something of an Obama-centric blog. I apologize – but some of the articles I have been reading today are really something. I promise, I will get over it (eventually) and, more importantly, focus on NaNoWriMo08 again (amongst others). Foot soldiers of civil rights realize a lifelong dream By: Kevin… Read More IHT: Foot soldiers of civil rights realize a lifelong dream


IHT: Obama moves America beyond racial politics

It’s a good think I have already worked on my NaNoWrimo08 post for today, because I am not able to stay away from surfing the Net and reading endless number of articles on – what else – yesterday’s election! Here is another one that I love: Obama moves America beyond racial politics By Rachel L.… Read More IHT: Obama moves America beyond racial politics


CNN’s In the Field: This election will change the world

Note: While I like the title of the CNN blog post, I have to admit that I would have tweaked it to: “This election will change the world – if we get up and contribute to change”. November 4, 2008 This election will change the world Posted: 1613 GMT NEW YORK — Finding myself in… Read More CNN’s In the Field: This election will change the world


Going beyond race: appreciating the real change Barack Obama has already brought

Nothing short of a massive earthquake the likes of which the world has never witnessed could make me write on a post that doesn’t have to do with NaNoWriMo08. And that’s exactly what happened last night, with the election of Barack Obama as president of the United States. While him being of African descent does… Read More Going beyond race: appreciating the real change Barack Obama has already brought


November 5th post of Dead-Alive for NaNoWriMo 2008

Part 4 Even with coffee running through their system, it took Connor, Reena and David a good couple of minutes to assimilate my story. “You sleep-walk,” David said. I nodded. “To places where murders have occurred,” he continued. I nodded again. “And then, you see the murder,” he finished. “In short, yes.” The three of… Read More November 5th post of Dead-Alive for NaNoWriMo 2008


Why you should watch Little Mosque on the Prairie

Canadian TV is often overshadowed by something bigger – i.e. its American counterpart (have you heard of that beast before?) which is unfortunate because we have some great prime time stuff to watch (and for once, I’m not talking about hockey). It seems quite normal for Canada, with its (still) lovely reputation, to come up… Read More Why you should watch Little Mosque on the Prairie


To trust or not to trust winter weather predictions?

After the last couple of years, you have to admit, it’s a valid question. And so I read the below article without taking it too seriously (all due respect to the scientists who worked on it; I’m certain they are quite good at what they do). But hey, I’d rather expect something good and not… Read More To trust or not to trust winter weather predictions?


November 4th post of Dead-Alive for NaNoWriMo 2008

Part 3 I would have preferred staying home that day to continue my research, but I had to take my son to school and then head over to work. Thankfully it wasn’t my turn to stay at home with Shona. I probably would have ended up holed in my office all day, and leaving my… Read More November 4th post of Dead-Alive for NaNoWriMo 2008


Finding Ways to Dull the Glamour of Travel

As winter approaches (yes, I said the dreaded ‘W’ word), I find myself surfing more and more traveling websites. But rather than to stare (and drool) at pictures of beaches, I have started exploring articles and blogs about traveling, and have come across yet another gem. Finding Ways to Dull the Glamour of Travel By… Read More Finding Ways to Dull the Glamour of Travel


A call to go old school when it comes to voting

Seriously. With all the problems in the last couple of elections, why not stick to the good old paper ballot? It might take longer, but at least it’s more efficient ;). Take a look at some of the disasters in the last two elections in the US – and, potentially, in the one happening tomorrow.… Read More A call to go old school when it comes to voting