
No more excuses: Religion doesn’t condone terrorism in its name

It never made sense to me, that people would fight for a reason that is supposed to bring them together. A wise friend of mine once told me that as humanity evolves and matures, it will come to realize what religion is really about, and will learn to use it as a tool to bring… Read More No more excuses: Religion doesn’t condone terrorism in its name


I love Google

I have said it before, I will say it again: I love Google. The health care professional in me is THRILLED at the company’s newest invention: Google Flu Trends. Combating the flu by deploying the Web What if Google knew before anyone else that a flu outbreak was putting you at heightened risk of getting… Read More I love Google


November 14th post of Dead-Alive for NaNoWriMo08

Sunday was a long day. My supposed day of rest became anything but. I was still pretty upset when I woke up in the morning; I told Talya about my dream, and, apart from being initially upset at the thought that Reena had been killed, she didn’t seem much to care about the possibility that… Read More November 14th post of Dead-Alive for NaNoWriMo08


Veteran’s Day: Touching Story.

I spent a large part of Veteran’s day looking for my poppy (I never found it) and surfing the Net ready stories about Veterans. Here is one story that particularly touched me. WWII vet held in Nazi slave camp breaks silence: ‘Let it be known’ LOMA LINDA, California (CNN) — Anthony Acevedo thumbs through the… Read More Veteran’s Day: Touching Story.


November 13th post of NaNoWriMo08

So I lied. There is no November 13th post of NaNoWriMo08. Not because I haven’t written it – quite the contrary, actually. It’s just that I think the rest of the blog is drowning in all the NaNoWriMo posts. So to get back at what this blog is really about, I am only going to… Read More November 13th post of NaNoWriMo08


Chronicles of a sprained ankle: Even Oprah agrees

While I did not seek a diagnosis from Oprah on my ankle, I did get a link to a lovely article reviewing one of her latest shows, which happens to be about rudeness. And if the last couple of weeks leaning less than gracefully on a crutch have taught me it’s that people are RUDE.… Read More Chronicles of a sprained ankle: Even Oprah agrees


Review: Heroes Season 3, Episode 8

Usually I find the technique of going back in time to find out more about the characters a bit of a let down; it seems sometimes like it’s the work of lazy writing. However, we are talking about Heroes here, and I think the writers working on this show have proven time and again that… Read More Review: Heroes Season 3, Episode 8


November 12th post of Dead-Alive for NaNoWriMo08

I screamed and screamed and screamed – everything, the pent up emotions of the last six months, the horror I felt at everything I had seen, my fear for my children and my wife, and the horror of Reena’s death especially with the horrible way things had ended – it got to me. I had… Read More November 12th post of Dead-Alive for NaNoWriMo08


Chronicles of a sprained ankle: two weeks and a crutch later

It’s funny what time can do for a person. Because time, my friends, has slowed down to the pace of a woman struggling because of a less than adequate amount of upper body strength to three-step it through the rush hour crush which allows her to cover in twenty whole minutes a distance one covered… Read More Chronicles of a sprained ankle: two weeks and a crutch later


November 11th post of Dead-Alive for NaNoWriMo08

With the help mostly of Talya, I told Jeffrey about the last six months of my life. He seemed a lot more sympathetic that I had thought police investigators to be, and wondered if it had anything to do with the fact that I was Reena’s friend. Whatever the case, I was happy for the… Read More November 11th post of Dead-Alive for NaNoWriMo08