
Eloquence will keep you out of a lot of trouble…

Jill was discussing the various aspects and possible outcome of the Insurance policy with the man at the Insurance Agency. During the discussion, she asked, “Suppose I take the life insurance for my husband today and tomorrow he dies? What will I get?” The agent eyed her suspiciously and replied, “Probably 20 to life.”


November 22nd post of Dead-Alive for NaNoWriMo08

Talya’s interview also went well, or so she says. “They asked me a lot of questions,” she explained. “I had to explain a couple of times about how we made the connections and how we came to such conclusions. I think they were impressed and a little scared.” “I also think that can work a… Read More November 22nd post of Dead-Alive for NaNoWriMo08


The kind of irony I don’t like

I usually enjoy irony – but this one was anything but, especially with the holiday season approaching. A little under two weeks ago, a North Carolina teenager who had done her high school senior project last year on drunk driving was killed by a drunk driver not that much older than her. Shannon Nicole Adkins,… Read More The kind of irony I don’t like


A UFO! Someone call Mulder!

When random bright things fall from the sky, years of being brainwashed by Chris Carter and the entire gang makes me immediately think of little gray men. Then again, maybe not. It could just be the tool belt the NASA astronaut lost a couple of days ago. Who knows? Whatever it turns out to be,… Read More A UFO! Someone call Mulder!


The ends do not justify the means, but justify finding better means

Seriously, all this talk about how evil stem cell research is makes us forget that, when done in the right way, it’s quite a feat, and the miracles the medical community will be able to achieve with it are worth looking into ethical ways of doing stem cell research. Woman given windpipe created in laboratory… Read More The ends do not justify the means, but justify finding better means


Israeli archeologists find 12,000-year-old skeleton of ‘witch doctor’

From Maclean’s: Israeli archeologists find 12,000-year-old skeleton of ‘witch doctor’ November 18, 2008 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS JERUSALEM – Archeologists digging in northern Israel have discovered the 12,000-year-old skeleton of what they say was a witch doctor. They said the skeleton was that of a deformed woman of around 45 years of age from the Natufian… Read More Israeli archeologists find 12,000-year-old skeleton of ‘witch doctor’


Review: Ugly Betty, Season 3, Episode 9

In the last couple of weeks, my reviews have all more or less mentioned something about the show losing some of the appeal brought to it by the initial tension that defined Season 1 and 2. I’d like to apologize about that because of course the tension would have to change. Dragging something on and… Read More Review: Ugly Betty, Season 3, Episode 9


How much would YOU pay for a “special” samosa?

Gotta hand it to the man – he DID try! Couple pays $200 for “special” samosas NEW DELHI (Reuters) – A Dutch couple on a visit to the eastern Indian state of Bihar paid 10,000 rupees ($204) for four samosas, a spicy deep-fried snack that usually doesn’t cost more than a few rupees, a newspaper… Read More How much would YOU pay for a “special” samosa?


November 20th post of Dead-Alive for NaNoWriMo08

Unfortunately, try as I might, it didn’t seem like I was meant to live in peace anytime soon. The very same day, only a couple of hours later, Jeffrey called with some less than good news. “Could you please come to the station for a chat with some colleagues of mine?” The knot in my… Read More November 20th post of Dead-Alive for NaNoWriMo08


Not for the story as much as for the comments…

Lost tool bag among biggest items misplaced by an astronaut One of two U.S. astronauts who had set out to begin maintenance on the International Space Station Tuesday watched her tool bag float out into orbit after a grease gun she was carrying inside it exploded. And so on, so forth. Onto the fun part:… Read More Not for the story as much as for the comments…