A direct consequence of part II of this review is that people often act out without seeing the whole picture, often bolstered by fear, and without thinking things through. In this episode, Sam, Dean, and Ellen start seeing early on that something isn’t quite right. Because they are hunters and because of their experience, they have learned to look for the truth rather than just getting rid of whatever they are hunting. Remember the episode with the ‘vegetarian’ vampires?
Unfortunately, Sam, Dean, and Ellen are the minority, and their efforts to make others see the truth are undermined by Roger, a.k.a. War. This situation is applicable in the world today, where big powers are at work trying to convince us of things that aren’t true. (Tobacco doesn’t kill! Fast food isn’t unhealthy! There is no climate change!) I guess these big powers are counting on us reacting to our fears rather than taking the time to seek the truth. If we were to develop the capacity to see truth, rather than to see the truth that we are meant to believe, what a difference it would make.
Sam: I know who you are. There aren’t any demons in town, are there?
War: Nope. Just frightened people, ripping each other’s throats out. I really haven’t had to do too much, take out a bridge here, lay in a little hallucination there, sit back, pop some corn, watch the show. Frankly, you’re all really vicious little animals, Sam.
Sam: No. You’re doing this.
War: Please. Last week, this was Mayberry. Now these people are stabbing each other’s children.
Sam: Because you made them see demons.
War: Honestly, people don’t need a reason to kill each other … You think I’m a monster. I’m Jell-O shots at a party. I just remove inhibitions.
So is it the responsibility of the horrible things that happened on War, on the people who acted on this false information, or on both? I don’t think a clear cut answer can be given. Can War be blamed for the actions of others? After all, had they investigated the truth of what was happening, maybe they would have figured out that something was wrong and not killed each other. Then again, most of these people had never even imagined that demons were real, and acted out of fear and self-preservation. And if people don’t have the information they need to make an informed decision, and – just to push this a little bit further – if people don’t know how to look for the information they need to see the truth, can they really be fully blamed?
A direct consequence of the above is that people often act out without seeing the whole picture, often bolstered by fear, and without thinking things through. In this episode, Sam, Dean, and Ellen start seeing early on that something isn’t quite right. Because they are hunters and because of their experience, they have learned to look for the truth rather than just getting rid of whatever they are hunting. Remember the episode with the ‘vegetarian’ vampires?
Unfortunately, Sam, Dean, and Ellen are the minority, and their efforts to make others see the truth are undermined by Roger, a.k.a. War. This situation is applicable in the world today, where big powers are at work trying to convince us of things that aren’t true. (Tobacco doesn’t kill! Fast food isn’t unhealthy! There is no climate change!) I guess these big powers are counting on us reacting to our fears rather than taking the time to seek the truth. If we were to develop the capacity to see truth, rather than to see the truth that we are meant to believe, what a difference it would make.
Sam: I know who you are. There aren’t any demons in town, are there?
War: Nope. Just frightened people, ripping each other’s throats out. I really haven’t had to do too much, take out a bridge here, lay in a little hallucination there, sit back, pop some corn, watch the show. Frankly, you’re all really vicious little animals, Sam.
Sam: No. You’re doing this.
War: Please. Last week, this was Mayberry. Now these people are stabbing each other’s children.
Sam: Because you made them see demons.
War: Honestly, people don’t need a reason to kill each other … You think I’m a monster. I’m Jell-O shots at a party. I just remove inhibitions.
So is it the responsibility of the horrible things that happened on War, on the people who acted on this false information, or on both? I don’t think a clear cut answer can be given. Can War be blamed for the actions of others? After all, had they investigated the truth of what was happening, maybe they would have figured out that something was wrong and not killed each other. Then again, most of these people had never even imagined that demons were real, and acted out of fear and self-preservation. And if people don’t have the information they need to make an informed decision, and – just to push this a little bit further – if people don’t know how to look for the information they need to see the truth, can they really be fully blamed?
What about Sam killing two innocent teenagers? War made him see them as demons, yes, and he was being attacked by them, but first of all, had Sam examined himself and realised the truth of what Ruby had said, i.e. that he could get rid of demons without killing the host, wouldn’t he have noticed immediately that something was wrong while trying to exorcise the teens? And what about the lack of ‘special effects’ when he killed the teenagers with Ruby’s knife – shouldn’t a hunter as experienced as him notice that the knife didn’t have a paranormal effect while killing the teens? But while Sam had started looking for the truth but hadn’t found it yet, he didn’t see the signs (i.e. the ‘malfunctioning’ knife, and the fact that the blood was human, not demon) – so is he at fault?
What an interesting dilemma: had Sam not acted, i.e. not killed the teenagers, he would have been killed. Can you imagine how ridiculous it would have been had Sam tried to consult with the two boys who are attacking him?
Imaginary Sam: So tell me. Are you guys really demons?
Which begs the question: do you take the time to think with your head to potentially avoid making a mistake and at the same time, risk your life, or do you act because there is so little time, and risk making a huge mistake?
And now, after putting it off for as long as I could (i.e. five pages’ worth), I must talk about the episode’s ending.
What is going on, with this terrible, horrible ending? Did someone forget to send the writing team a memo about torture being illegal? Erik Kripke, I need to have a word with you. I cannot believe this happened; I didn’t see it coming. I saw fighting and mistrust and perhaps a temporary separation (à la bunking at Bobby’s for awhile), but not this.
And I think my heart broke a little when Dean offered Sam the Impala. The love is there, somewhere under the hurt, the ego, and the mess.
Sam: The problem is me, and how far I’ll go. There’s something in me… It scares the hell out of me, Dean. In the last couple of days, I caught another glimpse of it…
Dean: So what are you saying?
Sam: I’m in no shape to be hunting. I need to step back because I’m dangerous. Maybe it’s best we just go our separate ways.
Dean: Well, I think you’re right.
Sam [shocked]: I was expecting a bit of a fight.
Dean: Truth is, I spend more time worrying about you than about doing the job right. I just… I can’t afford that, you know? Not now.
Sam: I’m sorry, Dean.
Dean: I know you are, Sam.
It’s funny, because when the conversation started, I was actually a little impressed with Sam’s insight. I really thought it would be the beginning of the healing process, that perhaps the worst was over, and that we would be treated to a couple of fights in the next episodes and eventually, slowly, things would get back to normal.
I guess I was wrong about that.
But this is not what I’m going to email Eric Kirpke, Sera Gamble, and other writers about. What I really want to know is if they meant for Supernatural to be so deep, or did it just happen? And do I need to get a bigger pot of coffee so as to be able to write up ten pages of notes in a review in less than 24 hours?
More of my favourite lines:
Dean [watching Bobby slumped in his wheelchair]: We gotta cheer him up. Maybe I’ll give him a backrub.Dean [after a particularly virulent verbal attack from Bobby]: At least he’s talking now.
Bobby: I heard that.
Castiel: Your plan, to kill Lucifer…
Dean: Yeah, you want to help?
Castiel: No. It’s foolish, it can’t be done.
Dean: Oh, well, thanks for the support.
Bobby [to a leaving Cas]: When you find God, tell him to send legs.
Solider boy: Takes one to know one. Where did you serve?
Dean: Hell.
Solider boy: Seriously.
Dean: Seriously. Hell.
Ellen: My daughter might be an idiot, but she’s not stupid.
Dean: The whole thing is off.
Ellen: What’s your instinct?
Dean: My instinct? My instinct is to call Bobby and ask for help. Or Sam.
Ellen: Well tough. All you got is me and all I got is you, so let’s figure it out.
Dean [a little put off]: All right.
Sam: So who are you?
Roger, a.k.a. War: Here’s a hint. I was in Germany, then in Germany, then in the Middle East, I was in Darfur when my beeper went off, I’m waiting to hook up with my siblings, I’ve got three.Rufus: Did you figure this out by yourself, genius?Dean [after recovering War’s ring]: So. Pit stop at mount doom?
Fun moments:
- The X-ray of Bobby’s ribcage exposing Castiel’s handiwork.
- Castiel calling the boys on a cell phone.
- Roger, a.k.a. War, has a great taste in cars. That Mustang? In that colour? Wow.
- Jensen Ackles’ face when, after Castiel tells him about the pendant, he looks down and back up.
- Misha Collin’s expression when he tells Jensen that God isn’t on a flatbread.
- The writers, for some great lines, as always, but especially for sharing information succinctly:
Sam: What happened?
Ellen: There used to be 20 of us.
I guess I was wrong about that.
But this is not what I’m going to email Eric Kirpke, Sera Gamble, and other writers about. What I really want to know is if they meant for Supernatural to be so deep, or did it just happen? And do I need to get a bigger pot of coffee so as to be able to write up ten pages of notes in a review in less than 24 hours?
More of my favourite lines:
Dean [watching Bobby slumped in his wheelchair]: We gotta cheer him up. Maybe I’ll give him a backrub.Dean [after a particularly virulent verbal attack from Bobby]: At least he’s talking now.
Bobby: I heard that.
Castiel: Your plan, to kill Lucifer…
Dean: Yeah, you want to help?
Castiel: No. It’s foolish, it can’t be done.
Dean: Oh, well, thanks for the support.
Bobby [to a leaving Cas]: When you find God, tell him to send legs.
Solider boy: Takes one to know one. Where did you serve?
Dean: Hell.
Solider boy: Seriously.
Dean: Seriously. Hell.
Ellen: My daughter might be an idiot, but she’s not stupid.
Dean: The whole thing is off.
Ellen: What’s your instinct?
Dean: My instinct? My instinct is to call Bobby and ask for help. Or Sam.
Ellen: Well tough. All you got is me and all I got is you, so let’s figure it out.
Dean [a little put off]: All right.
Sam: So who are you?
Roger, a.k.a. War: Here’s a hint. I was in Germany, then in Germany, then in the Middle East, I was in Darfur when my beeper went off, I’m waiting to hook up with my siblings, I’ve got three.Rufus: Did you figure this out by yourself, genius?Dean [after recovering War’s ring]: So. Pit stop at mount doom?
Fun moments:
- The X-ray of Bobby’s ribcage exposing Castiel’s handiwork.
- Castiel calling the boys on a cell phone.
- Roger, a.k.a. War, has a great taste in cars. That Mustang? In that colour? Wow.
- Jensen Ackles’ face when, after Castiel tells him about the pendant, he looks down and back up.
- Misha Collin’s expression when he tells Jensen that God isn’t on a flatbread.
- The writers, for some great lines, as always, but especially for sharing information succinctly:
Sam: What happened?
Ellen: There used to be 20 of us.