
Announcement: Launching Amazon USA Affiliate Links for Recommended Books

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Tl,DR: If you want to support my writing without buying my books, please use my affiliate links (listed here) to purchase books or products you would purchase from Amazon USA anyhow.

As you know, I have written a few children’s books in the last few years.  I’m incredibly grateful for the support I have received up to now, as many people chose to purchase books from an unknown author, gifting me with their trust (and hard-earned cash).

The idea always has been that I would put my own money towards paying for my first couple of books, then use the royalties from those books to fund the cost of more books, and so on, so forth.

Unfortunately, it hasn’t quite worked out that way.  My books are quite niche and the audience, therefore, is limited.  The budget for the next books is taking a lot longer than anticipated to build up.

I considered the idea of starting a Kickstarter for each writing project.  But fact is that money is tight for a lot of people, and I didn’t want to be yet another drain on precious, limited resources.

The idea of becoming an Amazon Affiliate started floating around.  I recommend books all the time, and I have lots of friends, blog readers, and IG followers who buy books on my recommendation.  And a good number of these people buy books on Amazon.  So why not ask them to buy them using an affiliate link?  It would cost them only a few seconds of their time.

So I decided to give it a go, and applied to become an Amazon USA Affiliate.  However, please only use these links if you would buy from Amazon anyhow.  If you only borrow books at the library, if buy your books from other places, and especially if you buy your books from independent bookstores, please don’t use my links.  Support indie bookstores!

How is it going to work out?  Erm…  I don’t know?

I mean, I’m very new at this, so the first thing I am going to do is create a list of books that I have recommended in the past, and list them here.  I am going to keep posting book recommendations on my Bookstagram and sharing them in the stories here, on my personal Instagram account.  There is a trial period for during which I have to make a certain number of sales; if it goes well, I’ll launch one for as well, and perhaps move on to, eventually, to other Amazon websites.

Then… Then… I’ll do… Something? Like I said, I’m very new at this.  Like, literally — I got approved only a few days ago to be an Amazon Affiliate.  So welcome to the chaos, and I hope I can match you and your kiddos to some great books!

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