Parenthood has taken over my husband and I’s lives and we are loving every minute of it. We have both decided to take the time to enjoy these precious few first months of our daughter’s life. And so, I have decided that this blog will not relaunch at the beginning of September but rather, in January of next year. Until then, I will continue to sporadically post reviews and other items; regular postings will be kicked off in a little under three and a half months. Until then, you can imagine that there are quite a few opportunities for reflections on personal development, family life, and community building that are being offered to me, as well as many new products in my life that I will be reviewing. I look forward to returning to regular blogging and until then will continue corresponding with readers who reach out to me either by commenting on the various posts, reaching out to me on social media, or sending me personal requests by email.
— Blogging —
And Then There Were Three: Relaunching The Blog, January 2017!
September 19, 2016