
Inspiration of a twisted ankle

Just when I thought I didn’t have anything to blog about, I twisted my ankle. I won’t bore you with the details of how it happened and how much it hurts (seriously, why is it so hard to get some morphine in this country?). I’d rather like to share a newly found perspective on taking… Read More Inspiration of a twisted ankle


Ugly Betty: Review of Episode 5, Season 3

While the Wilhemina/Daniel and Betty/Kimmie arcs were well-written and hilarious, I was quite disappointed in the Justin/Bully arc (what’s his name, anyhow?). It seemed to lack depth and was way too simplistic. The last thing the Bully tells Justin is ‘Leave me alone’, and the next day at school he’s all nice to him? It… Read More Ugly Betty: Review of Episode 5, Season 3


Beautiful poem…

“I remember, one sleepless night I heard the moth say to the candle ‘I am in love, so I deserve to burn. Why weep and shed these tears?’ Said the candle, ‘O my poor one, I have lost my sweet beloved.’ Tears dropped perfidiously down his face as he said this. O false one, loving… Read More Beautiful poem…


Saturday Night Live? More like Every Night Live!

It’s been five days since the (in)famous Sarah Palin visit on Saturday Night Live, and yet, by the look of things, the furor has yet died down. I wonder what is making this last so long: the importance the world places on American politics (which consequently makes them want to analyze every bit they can… Read More Saturday Night Live? More like Every Night Live!


Review: Helen Epstein’s The Invisible Cure

A couple of weeks ago, I posted a review of Stephanie Nolen’s book “28 Stories of AIDS in Africa”. Although no one posted comments on the blog (WHAT am I going to do with y’all?), I did receive a good dozen emails. Some of you had already read the book; many of you went and… Read More Review: Helen Epstein’s The Invisible Cure


Now you have the perfect excuse to spend winter at home and still be productive

Wouldn’t it be great to be able to work from home, especially in the days of high gas prices and (in the case of those living in the north) upcoming winter storms? While there might be many forms of work that will always require commuting, a lot of other jobs could easily be done from… Read More Now you have the perfect excuse to spend winter at home and still be productive


SNL, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Sarah Palin – let the party continue!

Has Sarah Palin helped Saturday Night Live return to its former glory? “Three things happened Saturday night: Tina Fey met her career maker on “Saturday Night Live,” Sarah Palin showed she could laugh along with the joke and the space-time continuum remained intact. At least for now.” SNL used to be one of the most… Read More SNL, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Sarah Palin – let the party continue!


Kurt Cobain, the angry young man, would be in his 40s. Wow.

The greatest part about having a blog is that I have a great excuse to spend hours surfing the Net. Hey, it’s ‘work’, and someone has to do it 😉 Remember the article about the ‘Chick Lit Debate’ from Helen Olen I posted on my blog not long ago? Well I just found a great… Read More Kurt Cobain, the angry young man, would be in his 40s. Wow.


Spice Girls, Pussycat Dolls, Girlicious and various other forms of ‘Girl Power’

A couple of days ago, I was caught in what could have become a very dangerous situation when I ran into one of my friends, a big time feminist, while hanging out with another friend who could be defined as the ying to her yang. The first one is for women’s liberation, has never worn… Read More Spice Girls, Pussycat Dolls, Girlicious and various other forms of ‘Girl Power’

General, International Development

Bangladeshi group BRAC awarded world’s largest humanitarian prize

Bangladeshi group BRAC awarded world’s largest humanitarian prize October 17, 2008 – 8:17 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS GENEVA – The world’s largest humanitarian prize has been given to the Bangladeshi non-profit organization BRAC for helping more than 110 million poor people with microcredit and basic services. The US$1.5-million Conrad N. Hilton Humanitarian Prize goes each year… Read More Bangladeshi group BRAC awarded world’s largest humanitarian prize