
November 10th post of Dead-Alive for NaNoWriMo08

By the time I had returned, Talya had had the time to create something of a cozy scene in the living room. Everyone was laughing (although Reena’s laugh was forced and Connor’s overcompensated) and our guest seemed to be enjoying himself. He stood up when I walked in. Talya also stood. “And this is my… Read More November 10th post of Dead-Alive for NaNoWriMo08


November 9th post of Dead-Alive for NaNoWriMo08

The rest of the week was, well, painful. Keeping a straight face around my children proved to be a lot harder than planned, and – for what had to be the first time since Patrick had colics – I was happy when they would fall asleep or go to school. “Don’t feel ashamed,” Talya would… Read More November 9th post of Dead-Alive for NaNoWriMo08


November 8th post of Dead-Alive for NaNoWriMo08

If walking home with Patrick had proven to be therapeutic, calming me enough to have a rational conversation about a thorny subject with his mother, supper with both him and Shona was a cure for the anxiety that had taken a hold of me since that morning; I probably was going to sleep like a… Read More November 8th post of Dead-Alive for NaNoWriMo08


November 7th non-post of Dead-Alive for NaNoWriMo08

So I have been working on Dead-Alive for a couple of days now; I had posts ready for today & tomorrow, and was looking forward to working tonight on the posts for Sunday and Monday. What can I say – who knows when someone will be pushed off a sidewalk and sprain an ankle. Then… Read More November 7th non-post of Dead-Alive for NaNoWriMo08


Documentary: Congo – Archives from the War

Documentaries can be quite depressing in that they put us in direct contact, in the safety and comfort of our own homes, with some of the worse aspect of humanity. However, they also help remind us why we should continue to help, as much as we can, to “carry forward an ever-advancing civilization”. Many people… Read More Documentary: Congo – Archives from the War


Review: Ugly Betty, Episode 7, Season 3

What with all this election talk, I almost totally forgot about last night’s episode of Ugly Betty. It had to be totally AH-MAH-ZING to make up for the lack of Heroes this week (Sylar! Please be human enough to have been the one who slowed Peter’s fall!!!). So first of all, I was happy to… Read More Review: Ugly Betty, Episode 7, Season 3


Chronicles of a sprained ankle: an epiphany

Most people aren’t mean; they are just unaware. Totally and completely unaware. I had this epiphany today while I was once again trying to manoeuvre my way through dense (in more ways than one) crowds with crutches, getting frustrated at the fact that so few people were careful not to knock my crutch (it happened… Read More Chronicles of a sprained ankle: an epiphany


November 6th post of Dead-Alive for Nanowrimo08

My reaction probably seemed extreme to Talya and my friends. Quite honestly, it seemed extreme to myself. But it was just so much information to process in so short a time; I hadn’t yet been able to sort through the contradictory thoughts and emotions that having such an ability inspired. I owed them all quite… Read More November 6th post of Dead-Alive for Nanowrimo08



Seriously, this quote is perfect in the spirit of yesterday’s election in the US: “Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.” (Oscar Wilde)


Chronicles of a sprained ankle: The three-legged walk

I downgraded from two crutches to two days ago! And while walking with one crutch is physically quite exhausting, mentally it’s surprisingly relaxing. The reason why is that I have to walk with a certain rhythm; I have to first put the crutch down, then place my foot right beside it, then, leaning on my… Read More Chronicles of a sprained ankle: The three-legged walk