Baha'is in Iran

Baha’is in Iran

Dear all; There are unfortunately many human rights violations around the world. We often feel helpless in the face of such injustice; however, helplessness has never helped anyone. The first step to empowerment is information, and so I offer part of this blog as a source of information on the human rights violations that touch… Read More Baha’is in Iran

Medical, Reader's Digest

Telling it as it is

I’m certain that there are a lot of people out there, be they health-care professionals or not, that often wish they could say it is as it is. Well, Reader’s Digest recently gave a group of doctor’s a chance to do just that. If You Only Knew … Reader’s Digest offered two dozen doctors a… Read More Telling it as it is

Short Story

The Black Eye

My job often takes me on the road, more often than not. In the days when I am travelling, my laptop is my lifeline, the one constant in my life. I can often be seen at local wireless cafés, typing away, working on a project while chatting with friends. Being online, having these conversations, brings… Read More The Black Eye


Having fun with 419 scammers

In the same vein as the post titled Telling it as it is, here is another little thing that many people have probably thought of doing but only a few courageous (or insane?) enough have actually done. It’s definitely worth the read!

Short Story, Suspense

The Bus Ride

I decided to start easy and import some of the stories that used to be on Red Dawn. Enjoy! ——————————- I had finished my night shift in the ER and was on my way home. I actually was a full two hours early, as I had gone off for break so late that I was… Read More The Bus Ride


Hello World!

Yes, I did use the title of WordPress’ generic welcome post, but it seemed to à propos that I couldn’t find anything better. Welcome to my personal blog! It has been years in the making, from finding out what in the world a blog is, to reading a couple of blogs that my friends around… Read More Hello World!